Sustainability performance measurement for Libyan Iron and Steel Company using Rough AHP


  • Ibrahim Badi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Libyan Academy, Misrata, Libya
  • Ali Abdulshahed Electrical Engineering Department, Misrata University, Misrata, Libya



The iron and steel industry plays a major role in Libyan urbanization. Iron and steel products are the main driving forces in the construction manufacturing sector in Libya. This research suggested a set of indicators to evaluate the sustainability of the iron and steel industry in Libya using a rough AHP model.  Rough AHP analyses the relative importance of the criteria based on their preferences given by experts. The research results show that the most important criterion is costs followed by emission and waste. We have found that the rough AHP model can play an important role in improving indicators that quantify the advance towards sustainable development, especially when it is in a situation where complex environments (i.e., Libya) exist.


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How to Cite

Badi, I., & Abdulshahed, A. (2021). Sustainability performance measurement for Libyan Iron and Steel Company using Rough AHP . Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing, 1(1), 22–34.