Supply chain efficiency and performance measurement in the automotive sector: Content analysis and future research directions


  • Vikrant Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, India
  • Kunal Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur, India
  • Mukesh Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur, India
  • Prasenjit Chatterjee Department of Mechanical Engineering, MCKV Institute of Engineering, West Bengal, India



Efficiency, Environment, Measurement, Performance, Supply Chain Management


Continuous performance measurement is the primary strategy for achieving business success in the current competitive global environment. The performance measurement scheme is a framework for evaluating the efficacy of the supply chain. The objective of this article is to analyze the existing literature and identify potential future research topics in order to investigate the lack of current performance measurement systems research in the supply chain context. The authors conducted a study on the measurement of supply chain performance and discovered that a variety of measuring systems are employed. The research provides a robust foundation for future research.


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How to Cite

Sharma, V., Sharma, K., Kumar, M., & Chatterjee , P. (2024). Supply chain efficiency and performance measurement in the automotive sector: Content analysis and future research directions. Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing, 4(1), 121–135.